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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Membuat Widget / Gadget Translate dengan MUDAH di Blogger

Cara Mudah Membuat Widget/Gadget Penerjemah untuk Blogger

Translator Preview
Bagaimana sih supaya content atau isi dari blog kita bisa dipahami oleh orang di seluruh dunia? Salah satu caranya menyediakan fasilitas penerjemah seperti di blog saya yang ini. Gunanya apa? Ya untuk menerjemahkan isi dari blog kita donk... hahaha. Selain itu penerjemah mempunyai fungsi memberikan kenyamanan kepada pengunjung dan tamu adalah Raja :( (gak nyambung ya?)

OKE... kita mulai cara membuatnya, tidak sampai 5 menit kok.

- Buka Account Blogger Anda

- Masuk ke menu Rancangan yang biasanya digunakan untuk merubah tata letak Gadget

Tampilan Rancangan / Edit tata letak pada Blogger

- Tambahkan Gadget baru di posisi manapun yang Anda suka.

- Pilih Gadget HTML / Javascript

Penambahan Gadget HTML/Javascript

- Copy Kode HTML dibawah ini

- Paste pada Gadget baru Anda tersebut

Paste kode HTMLpada kolom HTML/Javascript seperti gambar diatas

- Simpan 


Selesai deh Gadget Penerjemahnya..! Semoga dapat membantu Anda semua yang lagi membutuhkan Widget/Gadget ini. Silakan Copas dan sebarkan artikel ini.. Berbagi ilmu adalah pahala..hehehe

tag : membuat widget translate, menambahkan penerjemah dalam Blog


30 Tips Meningkatkan Traffic Blog

30 Tips Meningkatkan Traffic Blog

Berikut ini adalah 30 tips untuk meningkatkan traffic blog yang saya peroleh setelah saya blogwalking ke berbagai blog milik para master SEO agar trafik blog cepat naik. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk anda, dan berikut ini adalah :

30 tips untuk meningkatkan traffic blog tersebut :

1. Mendaftarkan blog ke Search Engine
Kalo ini wajib hukumnya. Daftarkan blog anda keberbagai search engine
utamanya Google, Yahoo dan MSN agar blog anda terindex oleh mesin

2. Tulis Content Secara Kontinyu
Dalam blog content adalah yang utama, jadi pastikan tulisan anda
mendapat perhatian lebih dan sesuai dengan tema blog. Kalo bisa sih
tulis postingan yang berkualitas dan berbobot. Tidak seperti tulisan
saya yang amburadul di blog ini, hehe....:)

3. Template Blog
Desain dan layout blog juga menentukan apakah pengunjung akan betah
berlama-lama di blog anda atau tidak. Pastikan navigasi, warna dan
elemen-elemen dalam blog tidak error, juga hindari broken link ( link
rusak ). Untuk itu pilihlah template blog secara seksama.

4. Domain Sendiri
Tips ini adalah salah satu yang belum bisa saya realisasikan.
Menggunakan nama domain sendiri akan membuat blog anda tampak lebih

5. Meta Keywords
Edit template blog anda dengan memberi meta keywords pada title,
keywords dan descriptions. Ini sangat berguna untuk SEO.

6. Submit ke Site / Blog Directory
Daftarkan blog anda keberbagai site / blog directory seperti
blogcatalog, topblogarea, topbloglist, dsb.

7. Link Exchange
Cara ini cukup populer dan sering digunakan dikalangan blogger. Tukar
link dengan blog lain terutama yang mempunyai tema yang sama akan
cepat menaikkan peringkat blog anda di mata search engine dan akan
membawa traffic.

8. Link Internal
Link postingan anda antara yang satu dengan yang lain yang mempunyai
topik sama. Kalo bisa gunakan anchor text yang relevan agar hasilnya
lebih maksimal untuk SEO.

9. Sign Up ke Social Bookmarking Site
Sign Up ke Social Bookmarking Site seperti Digg, Reddit atau
Stumble Upon dan dapatkan plugin untuk dipasang di blog anda. Jika
artikel anda disukai oleh pembaca maka mereka dapat mensubmit artikel
anda ke Social Bookmarking Site melalui plugin tersebut.

10. Dummy Blog
Buat blog-blog baru untuk mendukung blog utama anda. Beri link menuju
blog utama di blog-blog tersebut. Selain mendapatkan backlink untuk
SEO, diharapkan pengunjung yang datang ke blog-blog dummy anda
tersebut dapat dikenalkan ke blog utama anda.

11. Download Gratis
Buat artikel / template untuk download gratis e-book, software, mp3
atau yang lainnya. Mayoritas netter menyukai hal-hal yang berbau

12. Tagging Image
Tagging image adalah memberi identitas / nama pada gambar atau image
di postingan. Ini berguna agar image anda terindex oleh search engine.

13. Iklan Baris
Ini juga untuk mencari backlink. Iklankan blog anda di situs-situs
iklan baris dan beri link menuju blog anda. Salah satu yang terbaik adalah Silahkan anda mencoba dan rasakan traffic yang meningkat ke blog anda.

14. Comment di Blog Lain
Berjalan-jalan ke blog lain dan beri komentar terutama pada blog yang
mempunyai tema yang berhubungan dengan blog anda. Dikolom komentar
biasanya disediakan tempat untuk menuliskan URL pemberi komentar.

15. Subscribe Feedburner
Gunakan layanan feedburner untuk pengunjung yang ingin berlangganan
artikel blog anda via email. Ini menjaga pengunjung blog anda agar
selalu tahu tentang update blog anda dan menarik mereka kembali.

16. Gosip Terbaru
Tulis sesuatu yang sedang tren, gosip terbaru dan terpanas atau
sesuatu yang berbau kontroversial. Pastikan optimasi keyword untuk
postingan tersebut tepat, maka blog anda berpotensi ramai pengunjung
dari Search Engine.

17. Sesuaikan Iklan
Jangan menaruh terlalu banyak iklan pada blog agar tidak mengganggu
pembaca anda. Ini juga berguna agar loading page blog anda tidak

18. Gabung di Site Social Networking
Join ke berbagai site social networking atau jejaring sosial dan
tempatkan link blog anda di profil, bulletin atau apa saja yang
memungkinkan. Berbagai jejaring sosial populer dunia dapat anda ikuti
seperti myspace, facebook, friendster dan sebagainya.

19. Belajar SEO
Untuk mendapatkan traffic dari search engine, SEO mutlak diperlukan.
Perdalam kemampuan optimasi content dengan belajar SEO ke blog-blog
yang tenar dan sudah terbukti kehebatan ilmu SEO-nya.

20. Beli Iklan
Jika ada dana lebih, tidak ada salahnya anda membeli iklan di Google
Adwords, AdsenseCamps dan sebagainya. Anda dapat mendatangkan traffik
dengan instan dan cepat.

21. Join Forum dan Mailing List
Join ke berbagai forum dan mailing list yang berhubungan dengan tema
blog anda dan tempatkan link / signature di tempat yang memungkinkan.
Aktiflah di forum atau mailing list tersebut dan anda akan mendapatkan
trafik dari sesama anggota forum / mailing list.

22. Buat Award atau Penghargaan
Buatlah award berbentuk banner dengan tema seperti "Neno's Blogger
Award", "Blogger Award 2009" dan sebagainya. Berikan award tersebut
kepada 10 blog lain yang anda percaya dan minta mereka untuk memberi
backlink kepada blog anda selaku pemberi award. Dan mereka juga dapat
memberikan award tersebut ke 10 blog lain dengan peraturan yang sama.
Begitu seterusnya.

23. Postingan Berkala
Jadwalkan postingan anda secara teratur agar mudah di index oleh
google dan pembaca tidak bingung dengan jadwal update blog anda.

24. Maksimalkan Google
Gunakan layanan yang diberikan oleh google secara maksimal seperti
google webmaster tools, google analytic dan google alert untuk
mempermudah index google dan membantu memonitor perkembangan blog

25. Event / Kejadian Penting
Tulis tentang even / kejadian penting yang akan berlangsung sebulan
sebelumnya agar tulisan terindex oleh google. Saat event tersebut
tiba, blog anda berpotensi ramai pengunjung yang mencari info tentang
event tersebut di search engine.

26. Sesuatu Yang Baru
Tulis sesuatu yang baru dan jarang diangkat blog lain. Tulisan anda
akan lebih mudah masuk Search Engine Result Page ( SERP ) dan terlihat
lebih orisinil.

27. Postingan List
Kebanyakan blogger tenar menyenangi postingan model list. Selain lebih
efisien, postingan model list lebih mudah dipahami dan simple.

28. Post Pillar
Luangkan waktu untuk menulis post pillar. Post pillar adalah inti dari
blog anda. Pastikan post pillar mendapatkan perhatian lebih karena post pillar inilah yang akan digunakan untuk mendapatkan traffik terbanyak dari blog anda.

29. Submit Postingan ke Article Directory
Submit postingan anda ke article directory seperti GoArticles,
ArticleBiz, dan sebagainya. Selain mendapat backlink, blog anda juga
bisa cepat terkenal jika memang postingan anda benar-benar

30. Guest Blog
Tawarkan postingan anda untuk dimuat di blog orang lain, terutama blog
yang bertema sejenis. Tempatkan link anda di postingan tersebut.
Manfaat Guest Blog hampir sama dengan submit postingan ke article

Semoga cara-cara menaikkan trafik blog diatas berguna bagi anda, terutama yang baru belajar ngeblog seperti saya.

Source :
tag : SEO optimizer, belajar membuat blog, menjadi no 1 di Google

Indonesia backs Iran's nuclear program

Indonesia backs Iran's nuclear program

Jakarta, October 02: Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa has voiced his country's support for Iran's peaceful nuclear program.

Marty made the remarks on Friday after a meeting between Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and a senior Iranian lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi.

The Indonesian official emphasized that any country should enjoy equal rights to develop nuclear technology for civilian use.

During the meeting, Boroujerdi, who chairs Iran's Majlis (parliament) Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy, submitted the message of President Ahmadinejad to his Indonesian counterpart.

The senior Majlis deputy also conveyed a separate message from Iran's Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani to Indonesian Parliament Speaker Marzouqi Ali.

According to Boroujerdi, the two officials also discussed cooperation between the Iranian and Indonesian parliaments, Asian Parliamentary Assembly, and expansion of parliamentary ties among Islamic countries, IRNA reported.

Indonesian foreign minister also hailed Iran's nuclear program and said that Tehran is committed to developing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Indonesia has officially endorsed Iran's right to peaceful nuclear technology. In a press conference in April 2007, Yudhoyono called Iran's nuclear program peaceful and referred to the United Nations resolutions against the country as "illegal."

Beckham: "Say it to my face"

Beckham: "Say it to my face"

Star explodes with rage at fan's hooker taunts

FURIOUS David Beckham exploded with rage in a face-to-face confrontation with a fan who taunted him over the vice girl scandal.

The strain finally told when an LA Galaxy supporter twice shouted "Stop with the prostitutes" at him as he walked down the players' tunnel after the team's 2-0 home defeat to the New York Red Bulls on Friday night.

David Beckham explodes with rage at fan goading him over vice girl scandal
In exclusive footage, fuming ex-England skipper Becks can be seen turning on his heel and marching back to confront his accusor.
Seeing the anger etched across Becks' face, the heckler is heard saying: "Oh, he's coming after me."
Seconds later, heavily-tattooed Beckham snarls at the man: "Do you want to say it again? Do you want to say it again?"
The accusor replies meekly, 'I didn't say anything', before Beckham - upset at being taunted by one of his own club's supporters, snaps: "You got a Galaxy shirt on! You got a Galaxy shirt on!"
Again, the heckler insists, 'I didn't say anything', at which Beckham turns to walk away. But still furious, he turns back and, pointing at his head, mouths the words: "Say it to my face."

TUNNEL OF FURY: Becks hears fan's taunts and storms to confront him
TUNNEL OF FURY: Becks hears fan's taunts and storms to confront him
The extraordinary eruption from a usually calm Beckham shows just how wounded he has been by the lies levelled against him by hooker Irma Nezirovic. The sensational 30-second confrontation was captured on video by another LA Galaxy fan at the club's Home Depot Center stadium.
The fan told us: "It was a big shock to see David react in such a way. A real shock to everyone.
"The guy who yelled out was only young - he looked about mid-20s. He was about 6ft 2in, had blonde hair and wore a navy blue Galaxy jersey.
"I was very surprised David Beckham decided to turn around and approach him. He's an international superstar. I expected him to ignore the comment and keep on walking. I know his team lost, but he looked frustrated throughout the game."
Yesterday Beckham kept a low profile as he jetted into the Caribbean to help with England's 2018 World Cup bid.

FURIOUS: Beck exploded with rage
FURIOUS: Beck exploded with rage
He was whisked from Trinidad's private airport and driven to the island's most exclusive hotel with a police escort. He is understood to have been accompanied on the trip by eldest son Brooklyn, 11.
Instead of the customary 'meet and greet' with FIFA officials and hotel bosses at the entrance, Becks entered via a rear kitchen door, disappointing a number of young fans who had waited for a glimpse of their idol.
"People here love David Beckham, he's like a hero," said one youngster who had waited for more than an hour. "We're not bothered about his private life."
Last night, Beckham was due to make an appearance at FIFA's U-17 Women's World Cup final.
Today he is due to kick off Trinidad & Tobago Football Federation's six-day festival run by his own academy.
He is also expected to meet FIFA president Sepp Blatter and vice-president Jack Warner.
Warner has already thanked Beckham for taking time out of his hectic schedule to give a "remarkable opportunity" to Trinidadian youngsters

Source :

Tag : David Beckam,Victoria Beckham, Irma Nici


David Beckham's $25 million vice girl writ

David Beckham's $25 million vice girl writ

Star sues over lies as we reveal hooker has no proof of sex romp

HIDING OUT: Irma outside New York hotel in clingy see-through dress
HIDING OUT: Irma outside New York hotel in clingy see-through dress

DAVID Beckham's lawyers were waiting to pounce on hooker Irma Nici last night to serve a massive $25 MILLION libel writ.

BRAZEN: Hooker has no evidence. PHOTOS: Splash News
Two burly off-duty cops armed with the 21-page document were staking out a New York hotel where the prostitute has been holed up since her three-in-a-bed lies were published in downmarket US magazine In Touch.
The £16 million lawsuit accuses Irma of damaging Becks' reputation and causing him "mental anguish".
News of the World reporters tracked down Nici to the room in the New York hotel just hours before off-duty New York cops arrived there with the writ from the angry football superstar and his wife Victoria.
The celebrity couple are claiming the huge sum - around £16 million - PLUS punitive damages from the call girl and almost everyone connected with In Touch that printed her pack of lies, including writers, photographers, editors and distributors.
The 21-page document, already lodged with the Los Angeles court, accuses publisher Bauer and editor Michelle Lee of libel and intentional infliction of emotional distress, despite being expressly warned that the story was total fabrication.
VIDEO: Beckham confronts fan who taunted him over vice girl scandal
The writ states: "The case arises from defendants' publication of lies to make money for themselves and to embarrass and inflict emotional distress upon Beckham, a world-famous athlete. Defendants published these statements with actual malice and with intent to profit by causing harm to Beckham."
Nevertheless prostitute Irma, who told the mag she slept with Becks FIVE TIMES, has spent this week attempting to extort another £200,000 from other media organisations for her lies.

But incredibly the brazen Bosnian-born call girl failed to provide a single shred of evidence to support her ludicrous claims. We discovered even her name is fake.
More pics of Irma Nici
We played along with her in order to expose her scam as the price tag on her story spiralled up and up.
All the way through the discussions Irma, her notorious madam and agent Kristin Davis, and executives from the American mag In Touch - fooled into printing the allegations - confidently insisted they had evidence to prove their accusations that Beckham paid a total of £9,400 in cash for two sex sessions was true. But in the end they could come up with nothing.
Their tale unravelled in a series of meetings with nervy Irma after we traced her to the hotel on New York's East Side.
LIE! First we pressed Davis and Irma to back up the hooker's claims that dad-of-three Beckham had sex with her in a junior suite at Manhattan's Le Parker Meridien hotel in August 2007.

But senior hotel staff vowed to us that neither Becks nor Nici had been there when she said they were.
A senior marketing manager insisted: "I would know if David Beckham was ever here, even for a fleeting drink. We've checked our records and neither he nor the woman named were here."
And amazingly Irma confessed she's not even sure of the exact date the supposed encounter happened.
LIE! Irma, 26, claims she met Becks after an introduction through a mutual friend. But tellingly she refused to give us the pal's name.
LIE! Irma alleged she had sex with Becks several times and then phoned Davis asking her to supply a "brunette with curves" for a threesome. But they refused to corroborate the story by identifing the mystery second vice-girl, referring to her only as Jess.

BRAZEN: Bosnian-born call girl failed to back up claims
Davis, who served four months in prison for supplying prostitutes to New York's elite, claimed: "Jess will never meet or talk to you in person about it. She's out of the game, and not even in this state. She wants nothing to do with it. She will not talk for all the money in the world."
LIE! Irma claimed she had phone records of Beckham calling her from the Manhattan hotel. But when pressed she could not produce any. Lamely she claimed she had lost the password for internet access to her mobile account and admitted she didn't have paper records.
LIE! Olive-skinned Irma insisted she keeps detailed notes on all her client bookings. But she could not provide a phone number for Beckham. "I never wrote it down," she said. "It wasn't a big deal."
LIE! The vice girl offered to show us evidence of US immigration stamps in her passport to prove she was in New York at the time she alleges she was with Beckham. Sadly, she didn't have the document with her. And later she claimed her handbag had been "stolen".
LIE! Irma claimed she had a second sex romp with Beckham at London's Claridges a month later. But she said credit card receipts to show she was there were unavailable.
LIE! The hooker swore to us in her rasping East European accent: "It is all true what I wrote in the magazine - I was very happy with it."
But she refused to take a lie detector test - standard practice in the USA on such stories. Her excuse was that the results would give police the opportunity to convict her as a prostitute - although she had already admitted that in print.

TAKE THAT: Beckham's £16 million writ for damages
LIE! Irma told us her surname Nici, used by In Touch, was real. But a day later she admitted it was a "professional name". Then she insisted it's her mum's "maiden name". But we can reveal her genuine surname is Nezirovic and her family live in Holland.
Crazy demands for Irma's story included clauses that would indemnify the US magazine publisher from legal action by Beckham - even if their story proved to be untrue!
At our first meeting with Irma, she had clearly been crying. She acted shifty as she lounged on the bed, often glancing at Davis for assurance.
Looking solemn in a tarty see-through black sweater dress, with huge bags under her eyes, she had clearly not slept well for days. She picked at chocolate frosted cupcakes, spilling crumbs on her bedspread, while feverishly necking energy drink Red Bull.
"I've had ten today," she said, fighting to stay awake. Having sold her scandalous fantasy - touted as "the greatest story in the world" - Irma now had the nerve to snivel about the attention she had attracted. My mother sort of knew what I did but she isn't happy," she whined. "And my uncle is furious. The TV in Bosnia is running the stories about me. This is bad for me."
Instead of the glamorous courtesan, she now looked a gibbering wreck, terrified of leaving the room, scared of the tsunami of outrage and curiosity that has swept the world. With straggly hair and no make-up, she seemed a far cry from the image portrayed in near-naked pin-up shots flogged around by her agent.
But the busty 36DD brunette cheekily managed to conjure up several more allegations about former England captain Beckham's performance in the sack. "He was no big deal," she claimed. "I've had other, more famous clients."

MADAM: 'Hooker booker' Kristin Davis leaves our meeting
Despite the glaring lack of credibility, gullible In Touch executives told the News of the World: "Once you meet Irma you will know she is telling the truth. Her story is consistent." But the magazine bosses, also served with a Beckham writ on Friday, had got it wrong again.
Nevertheless, conniving agent Davis demanded $300,000 (£190,000) for an interview, photo and video shoot with Irma and bragged: "I love the negotiating."

The mouthy madam - running as a candidate for Governor of New York on a platform of legalising prostitution and marijuana - added: "My girl is telling the truth. She was good at her job. I want control over her image. Tramp sells." The meeting was abandoned after an hour, with a promise to reconvene next morning, Friday, at 11am. Irma stretched out and yawned: "I just wanna go to sleep."
But at around 2.25am Irma, wearing the same black dress, walked out of the front entrance of the hotel with a suited driver carrying a black bag. She tried to hide her face as our photographer spotted her. She then quickly retreated back to her room. The photographer said: "It was was all very weird - it makes you wonder if she was out for some extra business."
In her six-page In Touch story Irma depicted herself as a jet-setting happy hooker, who has banked hundreds of thousands from her dodgy lifestyle.
But during our meetings it was plain that she was really miserable, unhappy with her career choice and desperate for fame.
In an extraordinary few minutes she tried to blame her childhood and disastrous relationships with men for putting her on the road to maligning David Beckham - who yesterday flew to Trinidad after playing Friday night for LA Galaxy, losing 2-0 to New York's Red Bulls.
She claimed she was forced to go public about her life of vice after an ex-boyfriend found her secret diary and threatened to sell it.
Irma, who lived for a while in London's Paddington, said: "But I made notes on my clients. I wrote about all my experiences. My ex threatened to expose me so I asked Kristin for help. I'm still worried about him, I think he still has the diary."

FURIOUS: Victoria Beckham in Los Angeles on Friday
Brassy blonde Davis, 49 - known as "the hooker booker" after exposing shamed ex-New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's sexual habits - bragged: "Irma was one of my best girls. She flew backwards and forwards from London. Sometimes she was so busy she'd be here in New York for four months at a stretch.
"I had to have words with her ex boyfriend but we couldn't take the risk Irma would be exposed. We needed to take control, and she trusts me. So we decided to do it."
Irma claimed she fell into prostitution after meeting a jet-set crowd in St Tropez when she was 17, then moving to London. Irma said her diary was "more real" than Belle de Jour's bestseller and she planned to write her own kiss-and-tell book.
But yesterday afternoon Irma had a change of heart and insisted she regretted her decision to sell her story. "I never wanted to do it in the first place," she moaned.
"I haven't even got money from Kristin. Everyone is making money besides me. I plan to leave tonight. I'm done with everyone, including Kristin. They're selling me out. I have contacted someone who's going to guide me there. I've had enough."
Last night publicist Max Clifford revealed Irma had contacted him to sell her story in the UK. He said they had agreed to meet in London and he had warned her not to speak to anyone.
VIDEO: Beckham confronts fan who taunted him over vice girl scandal

Vice girl family is stunned

by James Weatherup in Velp, Holland
THE stunned brother of hooker Irma Nezirovic last night told how her family only learned of her vice girl life on TV.
Damier Nezirovic, 23, insisted relatives had no idea about her seedy job until news of her claims against Becks was broadcast in Holland.
"It has come as a big shock. We didn't know she was working as an escort," he said.
We traced Nezirovic's brother and stunned mother Nadia down to the quiet town of Velp near Arnhem on the Dutch-German border.

SHOCK: Brother Damier. PHOTO: Louis Wood
"I haven't spoken to my sister for about a year but I'm backing her," said Damien. Mum Nadia refused to comment. But a neighbour said there had been suspicions about what she did for a living.
"She was here last year and was very done up. When she comes she is always plastered in make-up and wears posh clothes and high heels. I've seen men arrive in big cars and take her out."
We also traced the one-bedroom flat in Paddington, north-west London, where Nezirovic lived until three months ago.
A neighbour said: "The walls here are pretty thin and so you can hear most of what goes on next door.
"It's fair to say it was obvious that she was a prostitute."

Source :

Tag : David Beckam,Victoria Beckham, Irma Nici

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Membuat Artikel Yang Berhungan [Related Post] Pada Blogger

Related Post/Posting Terkait,kita semua tahu bahwa merupakan bentuk optimasi sekaligus menghias blog.

Jika anda melihat tulisan ‘Baca Juga Yang Ini..’ pada setiap akhir artikel pada blog ini,kira-kira seperti itu bentuk related suatu post,walaupun memang yang saya pakai adalah cara konvensional alias manual :p

Namun jika anda ingin memakai cara yang lebih praktis dan tidak ribet,kita bisa memakai script dari [prasaan dari kemaren hoctro muluk! lanjut gan!-red].

Contoh hasil dari membuat artikel yang berhubungan dari script yang hoctro berikan,bisa lihat blog seo teman saya di SINI.
Nah,bagi anda yang ingin tahu langkah cara membuat artikel yang berhubungan ini,yuk ikuti langkah berikut ini.

Langkah Cara Membuat Related Post/Artikel Yang Berhubungan

Pergilah ke Dashboard blog anda,lalu pilih Tata Letak/Layout,kemudian pilih tab Edit HTML.

cara membuat related topic.

Jangan lupa beri tanda contreng ya pada tulisan Expand Widget Templates.

cara membuat artikel berhubungan.

Selanjutnya cari kode berikut:

<p><data:post.body/></p> atau <data:post.body/>

artikel berhubungan / related post.
Jika sudah ketemu,letakkan kode script berikut tepat dibawah kode tadi [lihat gambar ilustrasi diatas - klik untuk melihat lebih jelas]

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='similiar'>
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<h3>Artikel Yang Berhubungan</h3>
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maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 100;
maxNumberOfLabels = 3;
function listEntries10(json) {
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search10(homeUrl3, textLabel);

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Apa Kabar Film 'PENGKHIANATAN G 30 S'?

Ketika Soeharto masih menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia, film PENGKHIANATAN G 30 S/PKI adalah sebuah film wajib putar di semua stasiun TV tanah air setiap tanggal 30 September. Film ini sendiri adalah versi resmi pemerintah Orde Baru yang mengisahkan tentang peristiwa yang terjadi pada malam 30 September dan pagi 1 Oktober 1965 di Jakarta.

Ketika Soeharto masih menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia, film PENGKHIANATAN G 30 S/PKI adalah sebuah film wajib putar di semua stasiun TV tanah air setiap tanggal 30 September. Film ini sendiri adalah versi resmi pemerintah Orde Baru yang mengisahkan tentang peristiwa yang terjadi pada malam 30 September dan pagi 1 Oktober 1965 di Jakarta.

Pada malam dan pagi hari itu, terjadi pergolakan politik di Indonesia yang kemudian berujung pada pergantian rezim pemerintahan, dari Soekarno ke Soeharto.

Film yang dibesut oleh Arifin C Noer itu dibintangi oleh beberapa artis terkenal kala itu. Sebut saja Ade Irawan, Amoroso Katamsi, Umar Kayam, dan Sofia WD. Dan film yang diproduksi tahun 1984 itu digolongkan dalam film berdurasi panjang dengan total waktu 220 menit dan dilatarbelakangi musik besutan Embie C Noer.

Sejak film itu diproduksi, Soeharto memerintahkan agar film berjudul lengkap PENGKHIANATAN G 30 S/PKI itu diputar setiap tanggal 30 September malam sebagai penghormatan pada tujuh jenderal besar yang tewas saat itu. Dan saat akhirnya Soeharto lengser tahun 1998, film itupun tak pernah lagi diputar di televisi Indonesia.

Dan memang hingga saat ini, PENGKHIANATAN G 30 S/PKI tak pernah lagi terlihat diputar di televisi tanah air. Namun, kita masih bisa menemukannya di YouTube saat search dengan kata kunci 'pengkhianatan g 30 s/pki.'

Meski begitu, film ini rupanya memberikan kesan yang begitu mendalam bagi yang pernah menontonnya. Selain karena suasana film yang begitu tegang, score musik yang mencekam, dan kepiawaian sang sutradara mengarahkan para pemain untuk menunjukkan ketegasan, kesedihan, kemarahan, dan kesadisan yang digambarkan di situ.

"Yang berasa serem dr film G30S/PKI itu scoring-nya... Msh kebayang2 smp skrg. Yg tak terlupakan dr film G30S/PKI: scoring, suara burung p'tanda kematian, "Papiiii...", close-up bibir hitam, "Darah itu merah, Jenderal." tulis Dewi Lestari yang rupanya juga mengingat film ini dalam akun Twitter miliknya, Kamis (30/09).

Lalu, masih ingatkah Anda akan film ini?

Source :

tag : G30S PKI,indonesia,soeharto,sokarno,merdeka